Balancer since inception has only been as strong as the community around. The Grants team strives to motivate and facilitate the growth of the protocol by empowering others. Feedback on improving the Balancer Protocol is always welcome. The team internally and externally collects feedback proactively on how to improve Balancer.

💡Available RFPs

Grants Initiatives

Past and future grantees from all walks of Defi are welcome to apply for Balancer’s grants program. Beginners to seasoned veterans can bring value in different ways to Balancer and we are open to any and all new ideas. For inspiration, see our current hot topics as a DAO, and some more information related to grants we would be interested in funding. Feel free to suggest ideas not on mentioned below as well!

🎯 Current Focus

🌈 Custom Pools

Custom pools are a unique way of leveraging the AMM building blocks Balancer Protocol provides for developers to implement their own mathematic implementations to benefit traders and liquidity providers in specific circumstances. Some examples of custom pools and factories deployed or in progress are:

By deploying custom pool types or factories developers will be able to receive a revenue share correlating to their success if they and the DAO choose, Balancer is in no way interested in stymying the growth of new projects through fees. Please see Daoism Systems funding approval.

📚 Grant Categories

👥 Service Providers

Service Providers are critical for Balancer’s growth and can vary from core teams responsible for technically driving Balancer, to governance, treasury, and ecosystem management. The Grants Committee is a Balancer Service Provider itself and part of our initiatives are to give a platform to early stage Service Providers (SP). A preliminary SP is likely eligible for a grant to give both the greater ecosystem and the possible long term team to get a feel for one another. After a successful grant process, SPs are welcome to propose for longer term funding from Balancer governance on the forum.

🗳️ Governance