What is a Weighted Pool?

A weighted pool is a liquidity pool designed to facilitate trades among a number of tokens that don’t have any expected price correlation. It can have different value allocations (“weights”) so that the liquidity providers (people whose tokens are utilized for swaps) can define their exposure profiles to different tokens.

What is a Managed Pool?

A Managed Pool is a highly configurable extension of a Balancer Weighted Pool.

Pool Type Weighted Managed (changes highlighted)
Invariant Constant Product Constant Product
Min Token Count 2 2
Max Token Count 8 50
Min Token Weight 1% 1%
Max Token Weight 99% 99%
Min Swap Fee 0.0001% 0.0001%
Max Swap Fee 10% 95%
Swap Fee Mutability Allows instantaneous change after deployment Allows for instantaneous and gradual changes after deployment
Swap Enabling Always enabled Can be enabled or disabled
Token Weight Mutability Immutable after deployment Allows for instantaneous and gradual changes after deployment
Token Composition Mutability Immutable after deployment Allows for add/remove token functionality after deployment
Liquidity Provider Allowlist Public LPs Allows for allowlist. Can be activated/deactivated after deployment. List can be mutated after deployment.
Circuit Breakers None Allows for setting circuit breaker values on tokens (on a per-token basis) to ensure weighted value ratios do not go outside of allowed bounds
Management Fees None Allows for optional AUM Management Fees

To help us better understand the needs for your particular project, please fill out the “Response” column in the following table. For a particular feature we’d like to know if it is:

Feature Response
Have more than 8 tokens in the pool (if must have, how many tokens are expected?) Not needed
Change weights of assets in the pool Nice to have
Add/remove assets in the pool Nice to have
Add/remove assets without requiring manager to take custody Nice to have
Will the default state of the pool have swaps enabled or disabled?
Swaps enabled allows for real time rebalancing.
Swaps disabled implies a schedule for rebalancing, e.g. monthly or quarterly Enabled
Downside protection on tokens (circuit breakers) Nice to have
Treasury Management Questions Response
Will the treasury be the sole LP, or can others freely join the pool? Ideally, treasury is only LP but ok if others can join the pool as well for now.
Will the owner of the MPC also be the LP? If not, are timelocks or LP approvals required/desired for taking pool actions? Yes, owner is LP.

Finally, any additional information that would be helpful for us to know: